Despite the obstacles of student loan debt and rising home prices, young buyers still have a feasible path to homeownership. In fact, a national study recently named Salt Lake and Ogden as two of the top areas for buyers under 35. The National Association of Realtors studied employment growth, population trends, incomes and housing conditions in the nation’s 100 largest metropolitan statistical areas to identify the best places for millennials who are buying their first homes. The report defines millennials as buyers under 35 years old. “Even with potentially higher incomes, prospective millennial homebuyers residing in some of the most expensive cities in the country face the onerous task of paying steep rents while trying to save for an adequate …
2016 Affiliate Sponsored Golf Tournament – August 12th
Friday, August 12th at The Barn Golf Course. Gun Shot starts at 8 AM. $50 per person. To register please call 801-476-4216.
Keep It Cool Weber County
One of summer’s greatest challenges is beating the heat. Don’t let those high temperatures and blaring sun get you down. Keep as cool as a cucumber this summer with these fun and fairly reasonable options all within or very close to Weber County. Splash Pads Riverdale Splash Pad Bring the whole family to enjoy a variety of water activities and features at the Riverdale Splash Pad. The park and splash pad are located at 4300 South Parker Drive just east of the Riverdale Fire Department. This splash pad season runs from Memorial Day to Labor Day. The splash pad is open Monday through Sunday 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. with the exception of Wednesday mornings when the splash pad opens …
Have A Heart Key Cermony
On June 29th, a special family was handed the key to their brand new home. Eric and Tina Larsen and their children, Brady, Sean and Nicolas are the proud, new owners of the 21st Have A Heart Home. This home was built by Nilson Homes and the lot was donated by Layton City. The Larsen family was able to purchase the home at a discounted price thanks to the generosity of donated time and materials from the builder, subcontractors and suppliers. Fundraising efforts of the Community Outreach Committee were also used to help with the individual needs of the family. 5 year old Nicolas has Prader-Willi Syndrome (PWS), a rare genetic disorder. PWS causes sufferers to never feel full and …
Boat & BBQ
The Affiliate committee would like to thank all the Realtors that came out and supported the Boat and BBQ on the June 24th. Even with little beach to play on, there was a great turnout. It was a great time to get out of the office and enjoy the blue skies and warm temperatures. Those who attended had a blast with great music, plenty of food and drinks, riding wave runners and playing on the beach. The committee would like to thank Randy Benoit, Keith Brady and Don McGrath for cooking up some great food, Dale Thompson and America First for supplying the drinks, Ryan Asmussen and the team from Pillar to Post for manning the wave runners, Casey …